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33w5d: Counting weeks, 30...31...32...33

I've had two doctor appointments since I last showed up 'round these parts! One yesterday, one two weeks ago. Both incredibly uneventful. A nice, normal weight gain two weeks ago, a negligible weight gain between then and yesterday. Blood pressure still low. Belly measuring like it should. Owlet's heartbeat easy to find and normal. My next appointment is in another two weeks, and part of that day will be sitting with Dr. Davis, my surgeon, for a c-section consultation. Also, my next appointment is my last every-two-week appointment. After that, we go every week until Owlet gets here.

We are officially on the schedule for a December 27 c-section (provided I make it that long). That is six weeks from yesterday. Yikes!

Over this past weekend, I feel like a whole new batch of pregnancy hormones must have kicked in. Despite not really gaining any weight in the last two weeks, I spent the weekend feeling (and looking) like I had gained, like, ten pounds. My belly started to feel prohibitively big, my mobility decreased drastically (especially in my ability to gracefully stand up, or shift positions, or roll over in bed), my ankles started swelling more reliably after being on my feet for any period of time, and I get so winded when I walk too fast or take stairs too quickly. I keep taking as many walks as I can handle, even if my ankles swell at the end of the day, and even if I get a little winded, but ultimately, I know that physical activity is really helpful and good for me.

Matt and Sam were out of town at a family reunion over the weekend, and my mom came out for a couple nights to keep me company. Friday night, we were both a little lazy and exhausted, but decided to get out of the house anyway and head to Java John's for some coffee/music/reading/etc. We were tired from a day of walking around town, so we drove. I spent the short car ride complaining about how big my belly felt and how giant and tired I thought I looked. When we got there and ordered, Mike, the barista (one of my favorites!!) was making me my (super-delicious!) peppermint mocha, and as he did, he asked me when I was due. I told him Christmastime. His eyes opened wide, and he said, without a moment's hesitation, "Wow! You're so tiny!" I could have jumped over the counter and hugged him. Except that I definitely can't jump over the counter in my current state. ;) It's all a matter of perspective, I suppose.

Anyway, I am at the nice place in this pregnancy where I have no energy or emotional energy to be worried about the pregnancy. Owlet is unbelievably active, more than I ever remember Sam being, and so I am constantly getting reminded of the healthy (as far as we know) baby in my belly. I am simultaneously amazed by how quickly this pregnancy has gone and impatient for it to be over. I want to meet this baby. And I've run out of fun things to do to prepare for him/her. With Sam, a first baby, there were always more baby supplies to buy, or more decorations to brainstorm for the nursery, or more set-up of the house to do. This second time around, we already have a nursery. We already have all the baby gear, and it's all just piled up in our living room. We already have clothes for a newborn, and we even have a stash of newborn diapers (thanks to an Amazon diaper sale a few months back). There's very little left to do other than a couple more loads of laundry and packing away Sam's old clothes to free up room in the closet. There are still a couple projects hanging out there, but six weeks feels like tons of time to accomplish them. We are buying Sam a big-boy bed and maybe starting the transition out of the crib prior to Owlet's arrival. And I need to do a little re-organizing of Sam's dresser/bedroom to make space for baby supplies. Otherwise the only other stuff on my grand pre-baby list is stuff like baking pies for Thanksgiving, and putting up Christmas decorations, and wrapping Christmas gifts - all things that I'd be doing regardless of pregnancy.

By the way, have I mentioned that Sam slept in a big-boy bed during his weekend away at the family reunion? AND that he has suddenly figured out at least the peeing part of potty training? He's started stepping it up when it comes to his big-boy status in the house. And he is still SOOOOO excited about the baby. It's adorable. And heartening. I'm already beginning to grieve the end of our three-person family, and find myself wanting to pay extra attention to Sam these days, and hug him more, and snuggle him longer. But I know that once we flip to a family of four, I will not grieve as much as I will rejoice and feel full-to-overflowing with love in new and amazing ways.

All right. Enough words for one day. Time to catch up on a few pictures:

30 weeks (and 3 days) - October 24, 2016
31 weeks - October 28, 2016
32 weeks - November 4, 2016
33 weeks - November 11, 2016
