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Showing posts from July, 2016

17w5d - Sleepy me

I just made myself a cup of coffee using the pour-over system I received for my birthday back in June, because it is 3:00 p.m., which feels like nap-o-clock, and I haven't had any caffeine yet today, and I don't care to spend any more time or money to get coffee any other way. Friends, I am tired today. I haven't slept well for a few nights now, and am still catching up on sleep from a fantastic but full-scheduled conference last week. Last night, I woke up a lot because the crazy dreams have kicked in. Not sure about the night before. We had another regularly-scheduled doctor's appointment today. Everything looks good! We were in and out very quickly. Owlet's heartbeat was quick and easy to find, whooshing away at 160bpm. My blood pressure continues to stay nice and low. My weight jumped a crazy 8 pounds from last month, but my weight was down last month a couple pounds from the month before. So I'm really only at a net gain of 8 pounds overall. Just fee

16w2d - Announcing our Owlet!

This is what we posted yesterday on various social media outlets to share our exciting news with the world: Sam gets a promotion! Effective late December. When asked to comment, Sam says, "First will be my birthday [in November]. Then Thanksgiving. Then Christmas. Then the baby comes!"