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29w5d - Doctors and shots and mochas, oh my!

So you pretty much know everything you need to know from the title.

I had my next regular doctor's appointment today. Up about 3 pounds from last month, which puts me about about 15 pounds gained thus far. We didn't discuss my weight at all, so that makes me happy. At my last appointment, Dr. Locke wanted to check that I wasn't doing anything to keep from gaining weight (I'm not!), and in the meantime, everybody around me has started to freely comment on the size of my belly. The combination is a bit crazy-making.

Dr. Locke re-confirmed that my bloodwork from earlier this month looked good (my baselines for all preeclampsia markers were totally normal), that my glucose level was under the gestational diabetes threshold (yay!), and that the ultrasound looked good (placenta has scooted up nice and high, away from my cervix and away from my c-section scar, and baby's growth is right on track).

My blood pressure today was good and low, Owlet's heartbeat was easy to find, and (s)he got in a good swift kick to the doppler while Dr. Locke was trying to count heart rate (152). Today was the first time that he could feel the baby's position through my belly, and helped me feel where Owlet's head was. Not that it's going to stay there for any length of time - Owlet is one squirmy, wiggly baby!!

The only bummer today was having to get a flu shot and my TDap shot. Shots are always better than blood draws, but it's not like anybody likes getting them. Also, the nurse, while nice, was not terribly speedy, either with the needle insertion or with pressing the plunger. Both shots hurt more than I wanted them to because they were so darn slow. But I survived just fine, and bought myself an iced mocha (like I do) to reward myself.

I'm always glad for quick, easy appointments. The only drawback to quick appointments is that they are over so fast. I really do enjoy these appointments. I like hearing the baby's heartbeat. I like having the space to ask questions or air concerns if I need to. I appreciate the confirmation that I'm healthy and the baby is healthy. And so I always look forward to appointments. The good news on that front is that we are in the third trimester, which means appointments every two weeks instead of every month. So I'll be back there again before I know it.

Otherwise, things continue on pretty normally for me. I'm still the queen of pregnancy heartburn, and my belly is just big enough to start feeling tired and sore on the underside and along my back. But otherwise, I'm still at totally functional energy levels (even if I do fall asleep on the couch super-early every night), I still feel like myself, and I'm pretty sure that I'm still walking and not yet waddling.

So that's about it.

I leave you with a quick shot of me, feeling grateful for a good appointment, feeling grateful for a good iced mocha, and hoping that my arm isn't too sore tomorrow!
