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Samuel's Birth Story: Tuesday, November 19

Tuesday was a normal day. I tried to get as much accomplished at work as I could. Matt and I had made plans for a "Taco Tuesday" date at the BBQ place downtown, trying out a little spicy food to start the eviction process for our little hedgehog. Spicy food at night would be heartburn disaster, but at lunch, I was willing to give it a go. I'd been feeling pretty good, other than hedgehog's foot being permanently lodged in my right rib. The crazy painful heartburn was taking a couple days off. The only real issue was my giant legs and feet. Wow. I was getting really tired of the swelling, and the way that I had no shoes that fit other than flip-flops, and at the end of November, that's a little chilly...

Tuesday evening, we did some cleaning and laundry. Even though it got late and I had to leave one load of baby laundry in the dryer overnight, I somehow found the energy and initiative to fold and put away all the rest of my laundry. I wondered if that counted as "nesting."

Tuesday night, I went to bed and slept well for a little while. About 2am, I woke up with a sharp pain in the top of my belly. Didn't think much of it. It went away, I went back to sleep, and a little while later, woke up again with the same pain. I started wondering, vaguely, if these were Braxton Hicks contractions, or even real ones. So I started trying to pay attention. In a half-awake, half-dozing next four hours, I felt the pain come and go, and tried to look up online whether contractions high up in my belly were labor or not. Didn't find much useful information. I tried to sleep but it didn't work - I was so excited to think that this might be it, and we might be welcoming our little hedgehog very soon!
