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36 week appointment - lots to talk about!

This morning was the first of our every-week appointments. It was packed with lots of stuff.

First, weight. Five more pounds up over two weeks ago. All water, really. Nobody is concerned, which is heartening. My blood pressure was similar to last time - 122/80 - so nobody is worrying about the swelling in my feet and legs. My doctor just feels bad for me. :)

It took forever to track down hedgehog's heartbeat today; probably because, at this point, the baby in my belly is, well, a pretty fully-formed baby, and so there are limbs and backs and bones and fat, and you have to monkey around to find a chest shot with the doppler. But heartbeat/belly measurements were nothing out of the ordinary. Baby is still head-down, though not at all engaged. Still floating. Dr. Locke did some feeling around on my belly and suspects that "we aren't winning any size awards" with this baby, meaning that he suspects a small-to-average baby. I'm TOTALLY fine with that. But we shall see.

Then a little uncomfy time. Group B strep test and internal check. Not terribly pleasant. Not terribly terrible. No real progress of note at this point. Not dilated at all, maybe a little effaced, but really, no evidence at all to believe that this baby is going anywhere anytime soon.

We then spent a lot of time talking labor and delivery specifics. Part of the appointment was to fill out our pre-registration questionnaire, which is part health history and part birth plan. So we talked about my doctor's philosophy of labor/delivery, and can I say yet again how much we love him? Just really nice to hear that he really really encourages laboring at home as long as possible, and then in the hospital, keeping active and laboring in many positions and staying in motion, because he really believes it helps move things along. He offered some suggestions as to both labor and delivery positions, and assured us over and over again that he is willing to roll with whatever works best for me/us. We talked about pain control options, and Matt and I are still functioning with the idea that I'm going to hold out as long as possible without anything, and then start introducing IV meds to take the edge off, but hopefully as late in the game as possible. Not discounting the possibility that I might want a full epidural, but really really hoping not to. Needles freak me out. Especially needles in the back. Eep.

After our regular appointment, we went down and talked to the anesthesiologist to get all of our paperwork squared away, just in case we end up going epidural. Better to have that stuff on file, just in case, than to decide mid-labor that I want the epidural and have to sit through a bunch of health history questions and lists of complications while I'm in pain. :)

Admittedly, I walked out of today's appointment feeling a little overwhelmed and even a little glum. Usually, I love appointment days. I love hearing the heartbeat, I love the chance to hear from somebody that's not me about how this pregnancy is progressing, I love getting confirmation that things are still happening and happening well.

Today, though, a few points of deflation. First, trying to imagine four more weeks of swelling and water weight. I'm not particularly uncomfortable, but a little. And just feel gross about myself. And frustrated that there is nothing at all to do about it. Then, my surprising level of discomfort with the physical exam, which makes me worry lots and lots about my ability actually to deliver a baby and to deal with whatever that is going to feel like. Must remind myself that labor is purposeful pain, and keep focus on the end result...but still. Afraid that I'm going to buckle under the pain, when I really really hoped and thought I'd be stronger than that. Also, feeling a little frustrated that baby is still hanging up high and there's no real progress at this point. I know that we're still a month out, and that it's good to bake babies as long as possible. But I'm also getting restless and feeling like if the numbers on the calendar tell me I'm in the end-game, then at least my body could oblige and also make a little effort toward supporting that.

I'm also just very tired. Matt commented that he feels especially bad for me in this regard. Four more weeks of pregnancy tired. (Not that I won't be tired when hedgehog arrives, but it'll be different.) And the truth is that I'm probably feeling as deflated today as I do simply because I'm tired, it's a very gray day, and, well, hormones, right?

Positive things about today: Despite feeling restless, and despite packing up a first round of a hospital bag last night just in case, I am indeed very glad that there were no causes for concern today and that we didn't even breathe mention of induction or early delivery or health concerns. Bonus - now we have our hospital bag packed for later, which is one more thing to cross off the list. Despite my own frustrations, everything with hedgehog is healthy and good right now. Which means that I'll definitely make it to my church shower this weekend, and get to enjoy time with my sisters, who are coming for one last pre-baby visit.

Another positive about today...if not a little that I took my 36 week picture, and I don't look as giant as I feel, if you ignore the puffiness in my feet and face. And if I'm going to feel a little overwhelmed and tired near the end of the pregnancy, and I can look at a picture and think you look good, then awesome. :)

36 Weeks 3 Days
36 Weeks 3 Days


  1. Yay for a healthy mom and baby! :) Sorry about the swelling. :( Needles in the back - no thank you! I was more scared of that than the pain. Sounds like you have a great plan. And you look adorable. Can't wait to see that belly in person!


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