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Catching up - with pictures!

Ever since I started taking belly pictures at 20 weeks, I've been using them as an excuse to check in around here more.

Last week, however, we were traveling, so while I got my picture in, I am finally getting around to writing something here!

Last week was week 25. One week past viability, one week closer to the end of summer, one week forward, marching along toward showers and due dates and Christmas plans. We were in New Jersey all last week, making a friend's wedding an excuse to spend a while week with Matt's family.

Upon arrival in New Jersey, I promptly cut my hair, something I've been meaning to do for a long long while. I've been growing it out to donate it, but then things like new jobs and moving got in the way, so it took a vacation to New Jersey for me to finally chop it. I couldn't be happier!

The next day was the wedding. It was the first wedding in a long while that I simply attended. Between sisters getting married and being a pastor, I'm IN a whole lot more weddings than I attend. I got all dolled up in a dress that I'd purchased a month ago. I even bought new jewelry to wear with it. I fixed up my new hair, put on real makeup, and felt totally sophisticated and gorgeous, like a totally stylin' pregnant lady.

Matt's friends haven't seen me pregnant, and I don't know that any of them really know our due date, so I surprised them all by how visibly pregnant I was. Up until this point, I've felt really small. I have had stupid weight freak-outs, but really, I like my cute little belly a lot. Two DIFFERENT friends, at two completely separate times, upon first sight of me, said "You're so big!" and "You're huge!" respectively. I could have kicked them. I know - I really do - that this was the knee-jerk way that they were expressing joy and surprise at me being visibly pregnant. But still. BAH!

I'm pretty sure I had a complex for the next couple days, wondering if I'd had a huge growth spurt. Doesn't help that we took a bunch of family pictures because we were all together, and none of them turned out particularly flattering.

I don't care who thinks I'm huge.
Weddings involve cake, and cake is delicious.

You have to trust me that this is the best picture of the bunch,
and that all the others were, well, terrible.
But no amount of self-consciousness was going to spoil BEACH DAY for me! I proudly pulled on my maternity swimsuit (which was far better filled-out in the belly area than the last time I wore it, at 17 weeks in Key West), and grabbed my sunglasses, and did a happy dance in the car all the way to Ocean Grove, despite the fact that it downpoured for the entirety of the drive. After yummy lunch (yay lobster rolls!), an ambling walk around down Main Street, and finding some iced coffee to fend off the humidity, I settled in my chair on the sand just as the skies were clearing and the sun started to come out. It was a blissful afternoon. We walked up and down the beach, wandered into the chilly ocean waves, and sat and read and people-watched on the sand.

We spent the rest of our time in New Jersey hanging out with family, wandering Princeton for fun and food and ice cream, playing with the puppy and the kitties, playing cards, and relaxing lots, knowing that life would be back in full-swing upon our return.

In the midst of all that, I managed to sneak off for a few minutes for this week's belly picture. So, better late than never, here's what I look(ed) like at 25 weeks!

25 weeks 3 days
