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Not much new to share here. Hedgehog has been grooving out in my belly more often, and with more gusto. Strong enough flailing that I was even able to have Matt feel it. He called Hedgehog our "little soccer player."

Registry is in full swing. I've poured over hundreds of items, read tons of reviews, put things on lists, taken things off lists, organized and re-organized priorities, tried to nail down furniture wants and needs, and beaten my head against my desk while trying to find the right curtains for the room - curtains, of all things! But we're nearing the end. We're probably done. Except that I can't ever leave well-enough alone, so I'll keep tweaking and tweaking, I'm sure.

Feeling big today all over. Belly, hips, rear end, everything. Except that when I compare today's picture to last week's picture, or even two weeks ago, I'm not sure that I really look much different.

23 weeks 4 days. In my summertime uniform: stretchy skirt, stretchy tank top. Today I felt festive and wore a scarf to dress things up! :)
That's about it for news. Next appointment is in a week, and then we head to New Jersey for a wedding and to visit family. Will update when there's more to update! :)
