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Today's quick confessions

This morning, thinking that I haven't felt hedgehog as much as I'd like in the last day, I grabbed a regular coffee on my way to the office (and a bag of bakery cookies for the office to share!). I'm definitely that weirdo who is trying to provoke movement through caffeine and sugar. I promise I don't do this very often. Here's hoping for a few kicks and rolls...

In the parking lot of the co-op, after buying cookies, I had a strange, unprovoked thought go through my head: "Life is never going to be the same." It's a neutral statement, neither good nor bad. Just the factual reality that I'm pregnant, and we're going to have a baby, and that everything we're used to is about to change. Now, every time we've moved, especially our latest move to a different state, everything has changed. And leaving one job to start another means that everything changes. So it's not like this is a new concept. It just hit me in a weird way this morning.

I keep counting weeks, and every time I see the number of weeks until my due date shrink, I get a little anxious. It's not that I don't want this to happen - in fact, I'm feeling a little impatient, and tired of waiting, and man, nine months is a long time. Except that every step toward delivery and then TAKING A BABY HOME makes me a little more nervous, even amidst my excitement. I can't believe that there are, max, only about eighteen weeks left of this...

I posted a bump picture on Facebook yesterday, because a few people were asking. Lots of kind comments and likes. But man, I had no idea how self-conscious I'd feel putting that picture up for all to see! It was definitely another "this is really happening," heart-skip-a-beat moment.
