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Funny feelings

So I am definitely more detached this cycle than last. That'll happen with fewer medications, far fewer office visits, and only one surgery center visit.

It is still way too early to be looking for symptoms, so I have been trying to be a good, patient girl.

But today I had a funny moment when a few things happened all at once. First, a funny boobs-on-fire moment. And then an adrenaline rush as I considered for the first time this cycle that this could actually happen. And then the butterflies in my tummy started feeling like queasy little buggers and I felt some cramping/pulling/twinges in my abdomen.

And then just as quickly as that all happened, it was over. And even though I haven't felt quite like myself all afternoon and evening since that funny moment, I haven't had any of those symptoms return.

I'm not thinking that this funny moment means anything. But if things turn out positive, then I will consider this moment the "awakening."

But really, I feel neither hopeful nor pessimistic at this point. My body is doin' SOMETHING, whether it be pregnancy, medications, or other hormonal matters. But no sense yet of what that "something" is.
