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Day two: 300 IU Follistim, 1 low-dose aspirin

Nothing much to share, other than we are two days down. No pain or anything, and feeling great. On the train this evening, I realized that I was more aware of my ovaries, like I could sort of feel that they existed, so I wonder how I'm going to feel a week from now...

But at least right now, I'm feeling good! And the second day of injections was way easier than the first. Still had Matt do it for me, but hopefully tomorrow I will get the nerve to try it myself.

Can I just say that my husband is hilarious? After last night's injection, he was trying to communicate just how good and sharp the needle was, and how easy that made the injection. He said that doing the injection was just like “stirring water with a knife…because, you know, it takes no effort to stick a knife into a glass of water.” But seriously. What an amazing guy. Hanging with me through all of this. :)
