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Showing posts from December, 2014

Twelve months! Happy birthday, Sam!

Twelve months - November 21, 2014 Well, then. Here we are. One year, already, little man. You woke up happy on your birthday morning, and cuddled in bed with us and snuggled with Emme. You love the kitties so very much. They love you, too, in their own way. The way that you hug and pet and snuggle with the kitties is the way that you hug and kiss and snuggle with your stuffed animals. These days, your neon green puppy is one of your favorites. He rides in the car with you. When we get into the car, I hand him to you and you give him a big hug, snuggling against me and smiling. I usually sneak you into your car seat while you are hugging puppy. :) You continue to be such an affectionate little man. A few weeks ago, you were sitting in my lap while I was reading you a book, and you all of the sudden stopped paying attention, leaned back, looked up at me, and leaned up for a kiss. Nevermind that you give kisses by lunging forward with your mouth wide open. It is still the sw...