My decision to nurse Sam was both simple and uneventful. It was early on in my pregnancy when my doctor first asked about my intentions. For me, the choice was easy. Breastfeed if I was able to, because...why not? Three months in, we're still going strong. I was one of the lucky ones. Sam figured out how to latch on from the very first time they put him on my chest, within the first hour of his life. Except for one short bout with mastitis right before Christmas, nursing has been pretty painless. At worst, I suppose it is inconvenient in its own way. For me, it is a drop everything and sit still sort of task. Multitasking while nursing is not one of my strong suits. I'm just not that coordinated. Now that Sam is going three and four hour stretches between feedings, it is much easier. But in those first few weeks, even though I was on maternity leave and not trying to accomplish anything else in particular, he'd nurse every two hours, or sometimes every hour and a hal...